16 januar 2011

Baby Shower (2)

A huge thank you to each and every single one of you amazing women who arranged, joined and celebrated our little one Friday evening.

Grunden til denne aften -vokser.

We started the evening at Chocopologie in SoNo, downtown Norwalk a café owend by a Danish chef and chocolatier Fritz Knipschildt. Why not bring a little bit Danish into an American baby shower.

Middag på Chocopologie, en skøn lille danskejet café i Norwalk.

We drove back to our place for tea and desserts there were cheesecake, pecan nut tart and various cookies -way too many calories. We talked about different traditional baby shower themes and games.

Desserten nød vi hjemme i vores stue og vi talte om mange af de sjove indslag, man kan opleve ved et baby shower. Blandt andet prøvesmagning af babymad, bleskift på dukke på tid og så videre, men det blev ved snakken.

Last but not least the opening of presents we were 'showered' with unbeliveble and soon to be very useful gifts.

Blandt de mange gaver var en autostol, babyarlam, rangler, tøj og masser af andre snart uundværlige ting.

Thank you for all the beautiful and thoughtful gifts, it truely is too much. We are happy and super excited that our soon to arrive has so many fantastic possible -babysitting Aunts:-)

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