10 august 2008

Well done Mr. Vivo

Our good friend Juan Vivo is often featuring our blog either in pictures or in writing. He and his lovely wife-to-be Henna are not only favorite company for the movies or dinner, Juan is also a good training partner. His goal is to do an IronMan in the spring 2009 and first step of the way was to complete the half-IronMan this weekend.

Its been tough at times to train as much as preparation for an IronMan demands, but with good spirit and early mornings Juan has now succeeded in completing his half-way goal. 1900 meters of swimming, 90 k riding and 21 k running in just above 6 hours. Congratulations Mr. Vivo, well done!

1 kommentar:

Juansi sagde ...


Thanks for the good company!!!!!

Thanks for the good rides!!!!!

Thanks for the good advices!!!!!

Gracias, gracias, gracias!!!!!