Our friends from Basel whose love is in the air
Congratulation - today you are nothing but smile(s)
The two of us have known you just for a while
Dancing, biking, ice cream by the Rhine
Some day Hennas bike might even join for a climb
We always enjoy you stopping by for a ”hi”
See you soon at the favourite Thai
In your company we are sure of joy and laughter
Just as certain is the long siesta after
You may be born in north and south
But share the joy of sleeping without a doubt
Saturday at 12 the sun is up
Henna and Juan are cleaning – sure enough
Weather is great but don’t you worry
In casa del ViinikaVivo things aren’t done in a hurry
We wish you all the best for days to come
Thanks for spending time with us at home
Take good care of your selves and each other
Cherish today, tomorrow and the future
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